Meet the Owner

Meet the Owner

Finishing Touch starting in May 2021 after Ryan worked his way through different sectors of the construction industry learning a lot along the way. Starting off as a labourer at 15 after moving back to the U.K from Spain, Ryan got in touch with a family friend who owned a local building company & started labouring where he found him self enjoying doing carpentry work. After 2 years of evenings 2 nights a week at Langley college the carpentry qualification was in the tool box. 3 years on site working as a carpenter, Ryan then was asked to manage various different project across Berkshire this is where he learnt the skills of managing a project from design to handing back to the client. Ryan found himself very interested in painting & decorating during this time, that’s where he went on to work for a local company for 6 years learning the high standards of painting & decorating. Now he has taken the opportunity to put all of them skills he has leant into practise and started Finishing Touch, where we cover all types of sectors across the construction trades. Please see are services available page for more info.

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